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Development comes from Hamony

Unite to act !

Unite to take part together to the development of our town: Savalou!

This is the philosophy of the ADCS (Association for the development of the commune of Savalou).


Savalou is a city located in Benin (West Africa), in the department named "Les Colinnes".

People of Savalou act together in order to go further and get deeper results.


The ADCS is a federation of organizations acting for Savalou's development.


The ADCS brings together all the organizations carrying out initiatives in favor of the development of the historic hill city.


We invite any associations or local organizations, based in Savalou, in Benin or wherever all around the world to join us.


Together we will be able to succeed in this new development model: the one that puts human being first !


You are welcome at ADCS - Savalou La Belle



President of the ADCS

Association pour le développement de la Commune de Savalou

+229 60 37 00 00

+336 65 09 95 40

BP 373 - Savalou - République du Bénin

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